Molly Hendricks, Managing Editor

The choicest summer beach reads
By kindling tranquility and as a way to elicit creativity to readers, spending time reading books by the beach during summer provides entertainment for students and community members alike, during their stay along the coast.

Ladies: (Wo)man up and assert your dominance
Because of systemic inequality in the workplace and in school, women and girls have been silenced to conformity with their language. It’s time to speak up and realize our professional capability.

College decisions should be met with excitement
As high school seniors put down their deposits for their first semester of college, many think it is okay to put in their own two cents on the matter. Unless you’re showering them congrats, keep your opinions to yourself.

Squishmallows bring comfort, companionship
Because of various TikToks trends and the comfort they provide, Squishmallows have quickly become people’s newest obsession and one of the coziest things to build a collection of.

Treat your teachers the way you’d want to be treated
By showing empathy to teachers in an increasingly difficult career, let’s help teachers find encouragement to carry into the next.

TikTok, YouTube parents profit at kids’ expense
In order to continue to grow their social platforms, and their networth, “Family” vloggers and influencers share intimate parts of their young children’s lives. These behaviors will negatively impact their kids as they grow.

Our king, our savior, Adam Sandler
Even though his attire can be questionable at times, Adam Sandler is a lot smarter than some might think. From “Bobby watches Grandma” to “Big daddy” Sandler's “great” films have benefitted us all.

Montco President Judge ceremony held at Souderton
Inviting over 300 community members to attend, new President Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio held her swearing-in at Soudertons auditorium. Carluccio is Montgomery County’s first female President Judge.

Doordash steals money from small businesses
By using food delivery services to get coffee, lunch or dinner, many consumers are unintentionally taking money from small business. Consumers do not realize the small fees businesses receive from providing these services that ultimatley harm their profit/revenue.

Pro: Listen to Christmas music early, let your soul smile
To get in the Christmas spirit many enjoy listening to holiday themed music. As the holiday season quickly approaches, many question how early is too early to listen to Christmas tunes.

‘Red (Taylor’s Version)’ done ‘All Too Well’
We bet you'll think about the re-recorded version of “Red” after listening to it for the very first time. It won’t be the last time you hear it. Pieced together with sad, beautiful and tragic lyrics, everything has changed for the better with the new coming of this anticipated album, bringing a state of grace to every fan.

Stop blaming teens for the labor shortage, it’s not our fault
As a long result of the pandemic, many businesses, both small and large are facing labor shortages. Many adults look to blame teens for not working while in reality, teens are working more now than before the pandemic.

Con: Grow up and find your own fun, save the candy for the kids
While Halloween brings fun to everyone, teens need to stop prioritizing their fun over others and let the little kids have trick or treating.

[Photo] Homecoming traditions return

Crepe Place V-Dal whips up splendid breakfasts
Newly added to Main St. in Harleysville, the Crepe Place V-Dal produces wonderful cafe style foods. The cafe is located at 345 Main St. and includes noteworthy menu items.
The last 12 months: What George Floyds tragic death has taught us
Since George Floyd’s death a year ago, the past 12 months have generated difficult conversations and a number of important lessons to be learned.

Cousins Maine Lobster takes a splash all over America
With locations nationwide, Cousins Maine Lobster is bringing fresh Maine lobster closer to home. The food trucks and restaurants feature a variety of dishes with lobster and lots of other fresh-made food.

Con: Traditional snow days offer much-needed familiarity
By transitioning to virtual days when there is inclement weather, Souderton has been able to avoid having to make up snow days. However, with the added benefits of there are several negatives such as not being able to play in the snow and some traditional snow day memories.
What’s happening in Xinjiang? The genocide that no one’s talking about
The United States and Canada have declared genocide in Xinjiang China. However, because of lack of media involvement not many are aware of the severity of the situation and what exactly is happening.
Student businesses build creativity, inspiration
Through guest speakers and activities, Souderton’s Entrepreneurship Club hopes to inspire small business owners. The club will meet on a monthly basis to have student business owners exchange ideas.

America’s monopolized economy no longer a game
As the pandemic worsens and more Americans continue their financial struggles, billionaires of retail giants and big corporations continue to make unfathomable amounts of money. This combined with the lack of market competition will show detrimental effects to the country’s economy in the years to come.

Comfort foods help students ‘spice’ up quarantine
By making meals and picking up takeout, several students have found their new favorite foods as a result of the pandemic. Students made new meals as well as relied on some of the most memorable foods from childhood.
American representation: The strides we’ve taken and the lengths we have to go
Through years of fighting and perseverance, American is finally starting to see more equal representation throughout the different levels of government. The 2020 election has proven how far we as a country have come, and how much more there is to go.

Student Council holds virtual homecoming pep rally to boost school spirit
The virtual pep rally included grade-level games, team & club spotlights, and the crowning of the homecoming queen. The event was preceded by spirit week which included meme day, camo day, and decade day.

Political paraphernalia causing more hatred in an already divided state
As the 2020 election quickly approaches, yard signs and flags among other political implements are not what will move our country in a unified direction.
Navigating Coronavirus: State-wide cancellations from growing COVID-19 pandemic
[Editor’s Note: This is an evolving situation. This article was written prior to the initial March 12 state-ordered Montgomery County school shutdown.]