Roman Craig, News Editor

Readers ‘book’ it to discover new reads, genres
Looking for possible reads for the upcoming summer season, Souderton readers are preparing lists of books to read over the summer and finding new genres to explore over vacations. Many go to Barnes and Nobles to find these books and possibly more they may find interesting.
News Byte
To alter the ceremony in its traditions and timeliness, the Class of 2023’s graduation will have some differences from previous years. One of the differences is a switch to a different song that the choir will sing during the ceremony from the previous one, which has been around for about 20 years.

Journalists work hard to educate, inform
[News Break] Through the firings of journalists Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon, viewers are speculating the reasons why they were fired. Their unethical behavior has led some viewers to wrongly believe that they represent the larger group of professionals.

Philadelphia Museum of Art cultivates culture
[An Arrowhead Museum Review]: The museum cultivates a wide range of cultures and art mediums by preserving artwork.
The museum’s collection consists of more than 200,000 pieces.

Gun owners prevent injury through safety, sensibility
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: To keep incidents of accidental gun violence from occurring, firearm owners should practice responsible gun ownership by locking away firearms and ammunition from those who could hurt themselves or others with them.

Pennsylvania legislation directly impact lives of voters, citizens
To enhance the safety and overall well-being of Pennsylvania’s residents, state legislators meet in Harrisburg to discuss and vote on possible laws for the entire commonwealth. This discussion and voting process means it can often take about seven years for a bill to pass the legislature.
News Byte
Working with the Jenna’s Blessing Bags Foundation, Link Crew facilitated a donation drive from February 27-March 17. Items were collected in the main office and secondfloor student services.

Free access to books supports education
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: It is important for the Indian Valley Public Library to continue to offer diversity on its shelves. Books are a vital resource for information and free education.
News Byte
To get involved in Spanish culture, students in Spanish III and above will travel to Spain next school year over spring break. The trip will start in the city of Málaga and end in Barcelona before students return home to Philadelphia.

Attempted insurrection sends a dire warning
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: Through intense personal political opinions, American citizens have ignored the true warning that the January insurrection sent to the nation. The insurrection further split a nation that should be united against political violence as a whole.
1st Amend. doesn’t prevent social backlash
Students shape their social media censorships beliefs as they express themselves.
News Byte
By accepting donations,
the SAVE Club hosted
a free recycling event
on November 5 to help
fundraise for the club’s
activities. Other than an
option to donate to the club, the event was entirely free to the public.
Dahmer documentary perpetuates harmful precedent
For better ratings, true-crime documentary producers have focused more on the killer’s backstory than their victims. “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” follows this format as well, by silencing those truly impacted by the serial killer’s actions.

Discriminatory policies threaten LGBTQ+ students
In protecting the anonymity of seven Central Bucks students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Pennsylvania is calling out the school district for alleged discriminatory policies.

Late journalist Bob Keeler remembered for his career
After Bob Keeler’s dedication to his community, his peers and his family reflected positively on his friendly character and his long journalism career. Keeler reported for local news publications in Souderton, as well as surrounding areas.

Dobbs decision pushes new voters to self-educate
Through discussions and education, students are preparing for an election already centered around the recent Dobbs decision and the implications of the ruling. However, despite this interest in the issue, potential increased voter behavior is not guaranteed.

Local interest sparks new hope for LGBTQ+ acceptance
As anti-LGBTQ+ bills create an increasingly turbulent political climate, more
people approaching Souderton’s Gay-Straight Alliance highlights a strong shift in acceptance.

GSA partakes in Day of Silence
The Gay-Straight Alliance brought awareness to anti-LGBTQ+ acts with a vow of silence on April 8.

Engaging in career searches with PathwayManager
In helping students explore possible options after high school, students use PathwayManager during their time at the high school.

Graduation 2021 is a return to normalcy
Through wearing masks and vaccinating students, the graduation ceremony will be run as normal this year except for a few changes. After the school year, the graduating class will attend a ceremony without social distancing.

Earth Day fosters environmental celebration
Through planting trees and spreading awareness of environmental issues, Souderton students and teachers celebrated the 51st anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. The annual event is enjoyed globally.

Art and soul performs in the virtual world
Due to COVID-19 regulations, the Art and Soul Fest is holding a virtual event with performances and artist galleries on its website. The website is currently linked in the club’s Instagram bio with art and performances from all school levels.
Quarantined workers at Home
By working at home, Souderton teachers, along with many others, are still working in lockdown with new hours to continue earning a salary and keep the world running.
Teachers, students alike find new hobbies, keep busy
To stay busy during shelter-in-place, many students and teachers have started to pick up new and old hobbies while at home.