Journalists work hard to educate, inform
[News Break] Through the firings of journalists Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon, viewers are speculating the reasons why they were fired. Their unethical behavior has led some viewers to wrongly believe that they represent the larger group of professionals.

Gun owners prevent injury through safety, sensibility
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: To keep incidents of accidental gun violence from occurring, firearm owners should practice responsible gun ownership by locking away firearms and ammunition from those who could hurt themselves or others with them.

Free access to books supports education
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: It is important for the Indian Valley Public Library to continue to offer diversity on its shelves. Books are a vital resource for information and free education.

Attempted insurrection sends a dire warning
News Break [An Arrowhead Column]: Through intense personal political opinions, American citizens have ignored the true warning that the January insurrection sent to the nation. The insurrection further split a nation that should be united against political violence as a whole.

Discriminatory policies threaten LGBTQ+ students
In protecting the anonymity of seven Central Bucks students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Pennsylvania is calling out the school district for alleged discriminatory policies.