As of right now many states are opening back up and setting new rules that will hopefully reduce the spread of the virus. But that doesn’t mean colleges are going to be fully open to start the fall semester.
“My plans are to attend American University in the fall, but I’m not sure as of right now if they will be fully opening,” senior Cassie Rodrique said.
Before the coronavirus many seniors knew what they wanted to do after they graduated whether that was taking a gap year, going right to college, heading right into the workforce or going to a trade school. Rodrique’s plan is to study political science.
“My passion within politics is about the environment. So if I could find somewhere to work where I advocate for environmental and climate justice that would be the perfect situation.” Rodrique said.
But even before the coronavirus shut down all the schools and became a big problem throughout the United States Rodrique was not always planning on going right to college.
“I have been considering taking a gap year where I would take classes to get more college credit,” Rodrique said.
With that in mind and the coronavirus being around Rodrique has not changed her mind on what she wants to do.
“As of right now I really am planning on going to college at American University.” Rodrique said.
For senior Liam Flynn just like Rodrique the coronavirus has not changed his plans to attend college in the fall. Flynn plans to go to Brandeis University in Boston, Ma.
“As of now, I would like to go into research and medicine. The brain fascinates me and I would like very much to learn as much as I can about it,” said Flynn.
In addition, learning for Flynn has always been something that he enjoys.
“I also love learning and college is the place where I can step out into adulthood,” Flynn said.
With this in mind due to the coronavirus Flynn has thought about taking time away from school and learning.
“ I have considered deferring and entering college come 2021,” Flynn said. “With that being said, I will not defer because I still want to graduate on time and do not want to sit around doing nothing,” Flynn said.
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