Weight does not dictate health, health dictates health

To measure health, society needs to move away from using weight and instead focus on vitals like blood pressure, heart rate and blood work.


To move towards a healthier society, doctors should start using more vitals, not just Body Mass Index (BMI) when determining whether a person is at a healthy weight.
BMI is an outdated system that only accounts for height and weight.
While this can give a very general sense of health, it doesn’t give the full picture of how healthy someone is. Other factors like blood work can be used to determine if someone is over or underweight.
Tests can show your average blood sugar levels over the past months, determining if you’re at risk for diabetes or other obesity related health risks.
Other indicators can be used outside of the doctor’s office, like the strength of immune systems.
Being exposed to illness, which is frequent during the wintertime, but not becoming sick, is a good indicator that your immune system is strong and healthy.
This is a showcase of health outside of weight.
In addition to the immune system, being able to fully participate in daily activities and have a surplus of energy is a good indication that someone is at a healthy weight.
If weight doesn’t affect daily life or health risks, why should a doctor suggest a diet?
For women after puberty, menstrual cycles can also be used to determine the body’s health.
According to womenshealth.com, being over or underweight can cause amenorrhea (loss of period).
While other factors like stress can also influence this, it can be a great indicator that a change in lifestyle is necessary.
BMI can be used to predict what is a healthy weight for someone throughout their life.
As young kids grow up, BMI can indicate if they are appropriately developing based on their previous weights and heights.
However, around puberty, hormonal developments can change what healthy weight might be for someone.
Because of this, doctors should rely on other indicators, like youth’s energy levels, mental health and cardiovascular endurance.
According to IBISworld.com, diet culture in the U.S. is worth $3.8 billion.
According to scientificamerican.com, the success rate of diets after a year is about 20%.
Instead of focusing on losing weight, doctors and society should put an emphasis on living well.
Going for walks, staying active and intuitive eating can help people be the best versions of themselves.
Intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating whatever you want, but instead listening to your body and giving it what it wants.
If you feel sore, eating protein can help. If you’re feeling tired, carbohydrates can provide energy.
Hydrating is also a part of intuitive nutrition.
By learning the signs that the body provides, it can become easy to eat appropriately. Adhering to what your body tells you, as opposed to a diet, can help maintain a healthy weight.
Weight impacts health, but weight does not dictate health.