Issue 3 Thumbs Down

House Chaos

On January 7, California representative Kevin McCarthy was elected the Speaker of the House of Representatives after 15 rounds of voting.
Voting for a new Speaker occurs every two years after the congressional elections.
However, the chaos and struggle for one candidate to reign in the majority of votes in the new Republican-majority House displayed the ongoing divisions between the Republican party.
According to the BBC, an effective Speaker can “make or break a U.S. president’s agenda, stymie opposition and spearhead their party’s biggest legislative initiatives.”
For this reason, 20 far-right House members refused to vote for McCarthy.

Pink Tax

From bathroom necessities to children’s toys, products marketed towards women are priced more than products for men
According to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, women’s products cost 7% more than similar products for men.
While these percentages may seem small, it adds up over time when one factors in that women also earn less money than men.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, even though the wage gap is narrowing, women on average still earn 83 cents to a man’s dollar with women of color earning even less.
In Pa., women on average lose $11,396. per year.

Gloomy Months

Since January, we’ve been living in a state of utter gloominess.
Grey skies, cold weather and sludge-like snow have characterized the past weeks.
The good news is that spring will be here soon and with it color.
But until then it’s important to bring some of our own color into our everyday lives without relying on Mother Nature.
Participating in school activities like January’s Winter Ball, the Prom Fashion Show on February 15, SouderTHON on March 10-11 and going to the various sporting events are sure to bring some excitement to these dull months.
Cozy days spent inside with friends, watching movies and sipping on some tea also helps.