Con: Artificial Christmas trees are simpler choice

Taking the time and effort to maintain a real Christmas tree is not worth it when purchasing an artificial one is such an efficient option. Artificial trees can hold just as much sentimental value as real ones.

Coming with fewer risks and being much easier to care for, artificial Christmas trees prove to be the superior long-term choice when it comes to Christmas tree shopping.
Christmas trees are a staple in the homes of many who celebrate Christmas.
Decorating them can create happy memories and anticipation for the same time next year.
Every morning, the beautiful tree awaits in all its glory.
When deciding what type of tree to purchase, people should consider the complications real Christmas trees bring.
Real Christmas trees come with many problems that outweigh their benefits.
Christmas trees are most commonly pine trees.
This means that they are an allergen for some people, creating symptoms including coughing, sneezing and itchy eyes.
While the reaction can be mild, this allergy can still be bothersome, especially waking up to it every day.
Artificial trees are pollen free.
They don’t have any sap or pine needles that cause allergic reactions, which means there is one less thing to worry about during the holiday season.
Additionally, the maintenance for real trees is more difficult because sap and pine needles make a mess on the floor.
While tree skirts can combat this, they can distract from the tree.
Real trees also require water to prevent them from becoming very dry, which creates a fire hazard.
Even with water, real trees are still potential fire hazards.
Old or faulty wiring in the tree lights can set them aflame.
Most artificial Christmas trees are made from fire retardant materials, so lights can be strung across these trees with less worry.
In fact, it may not be necessary to wrap lights around the tree, as there are plenty of artificial Christmas trees that have pre-installed lights.
All they require is to be plugged into an outlet.
Some of these pre-lit trees also come with the ability to change the colors of their lights, leaving you with endless possibilities.
Artificial Christmas trees can easily look different every year.
The lights are not the only option when buying an artificial tree.
Artificial Christmas trees come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and styles.
The classic green one is available for purchase, but there is always the opportunity to switch it up.
Some styles or shapes of Christmas trees include pencil, full, slim and more.
The variability in the sizes of these trees allows consumers to find one that can fit into their homes.
Real Christmas trees do not come with a lot of these options.
They may have to be shaped to the desired look with a saw, which can be dangerous.
Many different artificial Christmas trees come with moveable branches to offer more shaping.
This makes it easier to hang ornaments and other decorations on the tree.
Artificial Christmas trees are more cost-efficient because they last longer than real ones.
Therefore, they cost less in the long run, making them a worthwhile investment for all.