Life skills class lifts spirits with birthday cards

By handing out birthday cards, life skills students hope to uplift the spirits of their peers.


To bring joy to students on their birthdays, the life skills class has been making and giving cards to students.
The cards are handmade and presented to students in hopes to help them feel valued.
“It made me feel really appreciated. I felt like it was a thoughtful [gesture],” sophomore Lauren Fisher said.
Fisher found the card sincere and uplifting.
Sophomore Molly Goodman is a part of the life skills class and helps the students create the cards.
“We set it up as stations so it gives everyone a different job. They can work on their writing and it’s also a good idea for them to interact with other students,” Goodman said. “ It’s a social thing.”
Goodman also said the class enjoys making and delivering the cards.
“I got it a few days before my birthday and it was really nice to feel like I was being celebrated,” Fisher said.
Goodman said the feedback they have received from the cards has been overwhelmingly positive.
“The staff really enjoys the cards. It makes them feel appreciated,” Goodman said.
“Everyone expects it and looks forward to it,” Goodman said.
Goodman said that the feedback they have been receiving makes the process even more heartwarming.
“It’s cool that they had that idea to do it. It’s nice that [the students] spend the time to do that for people on their birthdays,” Fisher said.
Fisher said the cards’ personality and sincerity made her excited to show them to her friends and family.
Teacher Mary Ozeni oversees the production of the cards.
She too enjoys receiving positive feedback on the cards from the students’ peers and the building staff.