Issue 2 Thumbs Up

Issue 2 Thumbs Up

Flexibility in school

Over the past year and a half, teachers have been forced to become more flexible while teaching in a pandemic.
For many teachers, this environment has lasted beyond the frequent quarantining and offered some opportunity for students to succeed on their own path.
During the pandemic, many teachers put in place grading systems that accounted for frequent, extensive absences.
This allows students to have more flexible deadlines, lowering stress and in many cases, increasing quality of work.
When students work for a finished product as opposed to a constrictive deadline, they have an opportunity to seek understanding instead of answers; this sets them up for further success.

Henning’s Cafe

Many students have discovered the quaint little
coffee bar inside Henning’s Supermarket. The coffee the bar serves coffee, chai, matcha, a variety of teas, smoothies, juices and smoothie bowls. At affordable prices, the bar makes a gloomy study day into a perky, productive night. A plethora of seasonal flavors is always available. The cafe is currently transitioning from flavors like maple pecan, pumpkin spice and spiced apple to winter flavors like eggnog, peppermint mocha,
white chocolate mocha and snickerdoodle. The fun and delicious flavors are all Souderton students need to get through a rough Thursday night. The coffee bar is conveniently located right near the display of stuffed animals if you find yourself visiting on a particularly sad day.


Staying active in winter

As the season changes, finding new ways to stay active can prove a challenge.
Many friends have taken to working out together in gyms, doing activities like weight lifting or fun classes like Zumba.
Staying active is important in athletes off-season as well as student’s mental health.
Relieving stress through movement can combat the dreariness many feel during the winter season. Living in a colder climate, it can be difficult to figure out how to continue staying active during the winter. Other students spend their winter participating in winter sports, like basketball inside, or snowboarding and skiing outside