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The Student News Site of Souderton Area High School

The Arrowhead

The Arrowhead

The Student News Site of Souderton Area High School

The Arrowhead

The Student News Site of Souderton Area High School

The Arrowhead

The Arrowhead

All content by Esha Bhardwaj
**Baby got vax...***Distracting from injection pain with small talk, school nurse Jen Kaufman (left) administers the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine to senior Samantha Tiley. Kaufman had previously asked screening questions and discussed side effects with Tiley.*
*Arrowhead photo by Esha Bhardwaj*

High school hosts vaccination clinic to promote public health

Allowing for the vaccination of students, the high school served as a clinic open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 24. Around 460 students registered to be vaccinated.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
May 7, 2021

Seniors tackle disappointment, apathy after dream school rejections

Focusing on the positives after rejections from their top schools and programs, seniors search for ways to cope.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
April 9, 2021

Expression through clothing, appearance allows for nonconformity with gender binary

Rather than entrapping people within a gender assigned by sex, they should be allowed to more freely forgo gender roles. The gender binary is a construct that has been made commonplace by Western Judeo-Christian colonization and should be treated as such, upholding a racially oppressive system.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
February 11, 2021

France targets Muslims in bans, secularism

Banning “ostensibly” religious symbols worn to schools in 2004, France, a secular country changes its narrative surrounding Islamophobia. Several religious bans have occurred afterwards and French Muslims are the main group affected by them.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
December 22, 2020

Con -‌ ‌In-school‌ ‌education‌ ‌provides‌ ‌social‌ ‌connection,‌ ‌adaptive‌ ‌learning‌

Disclaimer: Given the current global Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that all SASD families had a terribly difficult decision to make last August. Parents had to choose between sending their children to buildings for face-to-face learning or enrolling their children in the Souderton Area Online Academy. While The Arrowhead’s Pro/Con is typically a friendly duel over a two-sided subject, this issue’s Pro/Con will be a little different. We will not be focusing on which type of learning environment is a better option; rather, we will be exploring the value of both educational environments.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 20, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett confirmation should alarm LGBTQ community

Due to past anti-LGBTQ actions, Amy Coney Barrett will pose a threat to LGBTQ rights such as marriage. Barrett was nominated by President Donald Trump to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 17, 2020

College Board’s unjust AP practices cause uproar from parents and students

As a result of unreasonable practices of the nonprofit College Board during AP Exams, high school students raise a nationwide outcry. Students discuss their opinions and are contacting the College Board on several social media platforms.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
June 2, 2020
Bam! with Bhardwaj: An Arrowhead Column

Anti-stay-at-home protests cause harm beyond protests

By protesting against quarantine orders, protesters increase their risk and others’ risks of catching COVID-19 because they are going outside and protesting for nonessential reasons.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
June 2, 2020

Charity organizations persevere through pandemic

Due to innovation and technology, nonprofits overcome difficulties with providing their services by using different methods to assist clients as the pandemic worsens.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
May 4, 2020

Racism against Asians prompted by coronavirus stigmatization

Through the use of damaging phrases by people in power, Asians face even more discrimination and racism than they already do.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
May 4, 2020

Majorities play the victim when excluded from minority events

Bringing up “White history month” and “Straight pride month” in response to minorities celebrating their culture and their ability to overcome after the discrimination that they have faced is offensive and disrespectful.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
April 1, 2020

Stress pillar interactive project motivates students

Offering advice and information to students about stress, an interactive project sponsored by Peyton Heart Club and designed by senior Jenna Krauss helps students combat stress.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
April 1, 2020

Peter Powerhouse gives kids with cancer fun experiences

To give families a reprieve from stress about childhood cancer, the Peter Powerhouse Foundation funds fun. The organization has provided several events to children in the Montgomery area already.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
February 14, 2020

Iran attacks add to religious conflicts with Muslim people

As a result of tensions between the United States and Iran, bigotry towards Muslims brews. Islamophobia has long caused harm to Muslim people in the United States and may become worse with Iranian actions.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
February 14, 2020

Thanksgiving promotes misrepresentation

Celebrating victories over stolen land and lives, Thanksgiving festivities do not encompass the full story of Native American tribes and Pilgrims.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
December 11, 2019

Students choose how they ‘Lunch and Learn’

Experiencing lunch for a longer amount of time, students balanced school and social activity. Most areas of the school were open to students, who had several options to occupy time.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
December 11, 2019

Con: Electoral College is hindrance to power of people

When the Electoral College is used to select the next president, votes end up skewed. The Electoral College has been in place since the founding of the United States.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 18, 2019

Fashion show fundraiser funds domestic violence services in community

By raising awareness about domestic violence during the “Reuse. Repurpose. Restore A Life Fashion Show,” Laurel House was able to raise money for the cause and advertise the thrift shop that supports it.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 15, 2019

Felicity Huffman receives bias in courts

Sentencing Felicity Huffman for a short amount of time, the court showed bias. Huffman, who pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy was sentenced to 14 days in prison, beginning on October 25.
Esha Bhardwaj, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 14, 2019
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