During this time of coronavirus everyone is making sacrifices. We are coming together as a school, country and world. For most, this time is one of boredom. Do not mistake that boredom for doing nothing. We are being called on to quite literally do nothing.
For many, though, this time is one of great strife. People are dying. People are losing jobs. People are being called on to put their lives at risk to aid the sick. This needs to be kept in mind for the next time we feel like complaining about being stuck in the house. This is not said to minimize anyone’s feelings, but instead to remind us about the greater cost of coronavirus.
There has not been a person who has not had to be flexible and makes some type of sacrifice during this time. The flexibility is not lost on anyone. Collectively, thank you for doing what you can to ease the hardships of the situation.
With that being said, there are some of us who have not been doing our parts. We all see on social media the people who are out in the world hanging out with other people. We see the Instagram stories of house parties or holiday celebrations. This needs to stop. It is unfortunate if one’s birthday falls during this time of sheltering in place, but it is irresponsible and selfish to forgo the state mandated orders. No person is exempt from these orders. One person being selfish impacts other people who could be at a greater risk. With already low resources, it is selfish to put others at risk potentially taking resources from the ones who truly need them.
This is not the year anyone envisioned. Our disappointment does not give us reason to put lives at risk. Do not take prom pictures. Do not go to senior week. Do not have that end of year party. We must practice selflessness at this time. This is happening to everyone. Seniors around the world are having their proms cancelled and having a nontraditional graduation ceremony. Take comfort in the fact that we are not alone while keeping the bigger picture of what is happening in mind.
We all share in the problems created by coronavirus, but some people are truly struggling whether it’s financially or physically. The collective hope is that coronavirus goes away as quickly as possible so normal life can resume. But, whatever the timeline is, we must continue to practice social-distancing until health officials inform us it is safe to resume normal activities. Stay informed with credible resources like the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We must stay home or else we will escalate the stress on hospitals and increase the death tolls.
At this time, we’re reminded of the occasions throughout history when people have been called upon to do their part for humanity. During WWII people were called on to fight the Nazis and during the Civil War people were called on to fight against slavery. We are being called on to do our part as well– to stay at home. We are not being asked much considering the payoff is that lives will be saved.
Our staying at home makes it possible for healthcare workers across the country to devote their time and resources to those who truly rely on them. Our collective sacrifice will make it possible for local small businesses to reopen and begin the recovery process sooner.
It is upsetting to see protesters who cannot put their problems in perspective. In the United States alone there have been over 60,000 deaths. That is over 60,000 families grieving the loss of a loved one.
For the benefit of those families, let’s please try to put our complaints in perspective.
We are not alone in this. Everyone is making sacrifices.
The way we see it: Sacrifice in the time of COVID-19
With over 60,000 deaths in the U.S. as a result of COVID-19, we all need to recognize the sacrifices that have been made and continue to be made.
The Arrowhead Editorial Board
May 7, 2020
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