With the recent events of COVID-19, movie theaters across the world have been closed. With theaters closed, movie studios have had to delay their schedules or they have decided to release their new content On-Demand.
Universal Studios was one of the first major companies to decide to release a new movie On-Demand. “Trolls World Tour” was the first film to skip the theaters and go straight to On-Demand as a result of the pandemic.
“I liked watching it at home because I could enjoy free snacks,” said junior Gina Tate. “I think so because people of all ages will be able to watch from the comfort of their own homes. I think in the future, they will be released On-Demand and in theaters at the same time so those who like to go out and watch new movies will still have that opportunity.”
When Universal Studios made the decision to go ahead and release this movie, AMC Theaters didn’t agree with their choice. Soon after the decision, AMC banned showing all Universal movies in their theaters in the near future.
According to Ed Buchinski, owner of The Grand Theater in East Greenville, Pa., “Throwing a fit over one picture is a bad business decision as we are in a unique business as we have no control over what Hollywood puts out.”
Junior Tyler Williams said that Universal “got what they deserved” but “theaters know they need this revenue so either way I think Universal will come back on top and be in movie theaters again.”
Universal Studios produces huge movie franchises such as the “Jurassic Park” and “Fast and Furious” series, which both have upcoming movies. “F9” (“Fast and FUrious 9”) has already been pushed back a year.
“I am unsure of how those franchises will be affected,” said sophomore Buster Schmitz, “[Universal] may just push back the movies in it, but I’m not sure if it will affect the movies at all.
Williams said that he would “love” all movies to be released to streaming platforms “considering we won’t be able to go to theaters, delaying the arrival dates of these upcoming movies.” Schmitz disagrees with this statement.
“I am very loyal to the movies,” Schmitz said. “I am not watching any new movies that I really want to watch until they are out in theaters because the movies are such a fun experience. The smell of the popcorn, the volume of the movie, the massive drinks and slushies. They make the movie the most fun to watch.”
According to sophomore Manny Rota-Talarico, “Although [Jeff Shell (NBCUniversal Chief Executive)] was trying to simply push his movie, Shell shouldn’t have broken a tradition because now it has had a much larger effect than if he had just waited.”
“Right now the studios are not making or releasing any product,” Buchinski said, “In order to make back their production costs late July is the earliest new releases might be available, all depending on how many theaters are able to open nationally.”
The Grand Theater is not a chain theater. According to Buchinski there are both ups and downs in their case.
“We have no shareholders or stockprice to be concerned with,” Buchinkski said. “Unfortunately behind every small business is a family and my income went completely away with a $3500 monthly expense to maintain and mothball the theater.”
Buchinski is very excited to open up and to see customers again.
“We will not change a single price because of this experience,” Buchinski said.
Movie watching at theaters or On-Demand?
With COVID-19 closing down so many non-essential businesses the movie theaters have been greatly affected by this. Theaters across the globe are closed because of this pandemic and movie studious aren’t allowing filmmakers and actors to make any new content.
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About the Contributor

Jackson Self, Entertainment Editor