Through various parties, carnivals and costumes, Mardi Gras, a celebration stemming from the Christian religion, is honored globally before the 40-day fast going from Ash Wednesday through Holy Thursday.
Although different parts of the world have varying names and traditions for it, one of the more well-known celebrations of Mardi Gras, which translates to Fat Tuesday, happens in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Starting on January 4 and ending on March 4, New Orleans puts on Mardi Gras parades and parties for the public to enjoy and take part in.
According to French teacher Sally Cushmore, the Mardi Gras celebration we know today from New Orleans didn’t originate in Louisiana.
“The first big celebration in America was actually in Mobile, Alabama,” Cushmore said, “then after that, it made its way to New Orleans and now it is a very big deal.”
For those who cannot grasp the extent of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Cushmore compares it to “the Mummer’s parade, but a bigger deal.”
Cushmore believes that Mardi Gras has more “religious overtones in Europe” compared to how some Americans celebrate, although both include “many tasty treats.”
“It’s obviously a big honking celebration,” Cushmore said. “I’ll probably try and find some King Cake.”
King Cake, also known as Three Kings Cake or baby cake, is a staple Mardi Gras treat that refers to the Three Wise Men in the Bible. In or under a slice of the cake, a small plastic baby that symbolizes baby Jesus is placed. Whoever gets the baby is believed to be prosperous and lucky in the coming year.
As per Pierre from French Moments, the eating of “more decadent, fatty foods” during Mardi Gras has a reason behind it.
“Before Ash Wednesday, people celebrated in many diverse ways as it was their last chance to eat meat until Easter,” Pierre said.
The origins started with the banishment of meat during Lent and extended to include “sugar, fat, eggs and dairy products.”
Current resident of France, Yasmine Yezid, used to celebrate Mardi Gras in school when she was younger.
“In primary school, we used to have a special day where we would put on a costume of our favorite character and eat a lot,” Yezid said. “It’s a big party in France, we call it Carnaval. There are a lot of parades where everyone is disguised.”
Similarly to Yezid, former resident of France Stéphane Dubois had celebrations in the north of France where he lived.
“We had parades in the streets of our small town with characters who were distributing oranges to the kids,” Dubois said. “It was a day where my mom would make crêpes for dinner.”
For French Club president Jude Fegely, he plans to host a French Club meeting to honor Fat Tuesday after school on Thursday, March 6, in room A104.
“I have planned our next meeting to be a Mardi Gras celebration,” Fegely said. “Our celebrations will include time spent learning about the history of Mardi Gras, various Mardi Gras snacks and treats and fun games for all members to play.”