To make the Souderton Area High School more colorful the photography company Cady’s made brand new decals in early November of 2024 around the Souderton Area High School.
In early November of 2024, new decals appeared around the school. A large, Red S above the front entrance of the school. The words home of the Indians above the school gymnasium.
These were not made by the school. According to 11th and 12th grade principal Mr Haines. They were made by a company called Cady. Cady is the company that took photos for sports, clubs, picture day and all other of Soudertons professional photography needs.
Cady made these as part of their contracts with the school. “It is our policy to give back to the school by way of doing. We do culture projects to spruce up the. So, little projects like the S entrance, and then the guidance office door wrap in the front office, that was all done by Cady.” Cady representative Katie Richerson said.
Cady made the culture projects to help the schools that they work with. Cady has made multiple culture projects so far. “School shop that’s in the cafeteria, potentially adding a vinyl or cover over the garage door that pulls down the little pull-down door in front of this door, specifying that it’s the store. The same with the student activities window on the other end of the cafeteria. We’re looking to make acrylic plaques that specify what each board in the cafeteria is,” Richerson Said.
“It’s really one of those things where we go back and forth on what we want to see out of a project and then get to that result with the school and make the determination on what they like the most,” Richerson Said. This means that nothing is final in the plans to make more.
Many students seem to be enjoying the new decals around the school. “I really like the new details of the new entrance because they’re flashy,” Said freshman Cody Moore. This is one of the many praises that the new decals have received. “I think they’re good. It makes the school look a lot brighter,” said sophomore Patrick Kemp.
Many of the students wanted more of these posters to appear around the school. Many students have ideas of where they would best go. “I think just similar decals to what they already have, maybe not as large as S. Put them around the hallways and in other well-traveled spots. That would be nice,” freshman Nick Saccoreli said. This is one of the many ideas given to help around the school. According to freshman Croe Kilborn, the decals are very nice and they make the school more colorful, but things look very good as they are right now. So, further decals may not be necessary.
Some students have stated that the decals often go unnoticed. “At first I did not notice they were there. I like them but they do not stand out,” freshman Preston Johnson Said.