To make sure each performance runs well for the musical, stage crew takes the time to build and paint sets, move props and make sure they have cues right.
Stage crew is currently preparing for this year’s musical, “Suessical the Musical.”
Stage crew’s job is to help make sets, get props to where they need to be and do any technical things such as lights and sound.
According to stage crew adviser Ruth Raisner, her love for stage crew when her daughters were in Souderton’s musical back in 2003.
“I have been working on stage crew since the old high school in the year 2003 when my daughters were in it. After they left, I loved it so much that I moved up to the new high school and continued to do it!”
Additionally, Raisner believes many people do not realize all the stage crew does for each show. She also believes that much of the work goes unnoticed.
“Many people think of stage crew as not an important piece when really we are doing some challenging [work],” Raisner said. “We have to make sure all the props are where they are supposed to be because if they are not, it causes trouble.”
Raisner also said that when she sees the audience’s reaction, it is always worth it. She especially loves it when she sees the entire show come to life just through background decorations such as the sets and props. “My favorite part is the set. It is like an illusion, and I love seeing it come to life and leaving the audience in awe because it shows how hard work pays off,” Raisner said.
Co-stage crew manager Jaydn Odenwald believes stage crew has lots of beneficial things for a student because you can get involved, learn new things, and make new friends in the community.
“Stage crew is pretty fun if you want to get involved but not be seen, and it is a great way to meet new people,” Odenwald said.
Odenwald also said that her experience with stage crew has also been very positive throughout her time.
“I have been doing stage crew for three years, and I have enjoyed it so much,” says Odenwald. “It is fun to watch the production from afar and be able to be a part of it.”
According to co-stage crew manager Gabriel Longnecker also thinks that stage crew is good for people who are busy and just want to get involved.
Longnecker also likes the more “hands-on” aspect of the job.
“You get to build [sets] and it is more of a physical art job,” Longnecker said.
Cast member Ava Hill believes that the work, time and effort that goes into a musical done by stage crew is very underappreciated and should have more recognition.
“Stage crew is amazing because they make all the props we use and all the sets. Without them we would not have a show,” Hill said.
Stage crew member Madi Cleary believes that a lot of what stage crew does can be very difficult because of the amount of “behind the scenes” work there is to do.
Stage crew’s work helps run musical smoothly
In order to properly run musicals and plays each year, the stage crew works hard behind the scenes with props and lights.
Behind the scenes… Building their way through the musical season, the stage crew built a set for last year’s musical, Les Mis. The day was full of action, singing, and hard work.
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About the Contributor

Calla Roynan, Staff Writer