Through sensory spaces that cater to individual special education needs and various programs offered, Souderton Area School District is able to promote education and inclusivity for all students.
As per Director of Pupil Services Megan Zweiback, since the special education programs are under her supervision, she and the supervisors of each school level manage all special education.
“We had a really wide array of special ed programs, but our special education population grows every year,” Zweiback said. “Every year, with the increase in students, we are just looking at how we can better our programs and create new programs.”
According to Zweiback, a plan is being made to add “some sort of sensory space” to the high school building, similar to what some of the district’s elementary schools currently have.
“Our little guys probably need [sensory spaces] the most,” Zweiback said. “We really focused on getting that in at the K-5 level first, and then moving on to secondary.”
High School Special Education Supervisor Matthew Montagna feels that the sensory room will cater to the needs of the kids the school has currently, and will make adjustments as new kids enter the school and their needs vary.
“That is really what we do in special ed,” Montagna said. “ We make sure they have what they need. We make sure they are accommodated when needed, then we go from there.”
Overseeing the younger kids is Elementary Special Education Supervisor Barbara Bescher. Some people may think sensory rooms are only for students on the autism spectrum or those who might have “more significant medical or diagnostic disabilities,” according to Bescher. This is not true.
“We have students who have ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] and anxiety who use the sensory room to be able to help themselves regulate and manage their emotions and behaviors,” Bescher said.
So far there are sensory rooms at Vernfield, Salford Hills, Oak Ridge and Franconia Elementary Schools. West Broad and EMC Elementary Schools will get their own sensory areas within a couple of years once renovations are done and more space opens up.
“The goal is eventually to have a sensory room in every school in the district because it is such a useful tool for students to be able to support their well-being in general and to access their learning,” Bescher said.
Life skills teacher Mary Ozeni encourages giving special education students the chance to experience other teachers, environments and situations than the ones they are in contact with every day.
Ozeni’s department works closely with the occupational therapist (OT), using the auxiliary gym, weight room, the OT’s room and various sensory fidgets they have on hand since there isn’t a dedicated sensory space yet.
“We do have a lot of sensory items in our room,” Ozeni said, “using things in our room like weighted vests and lap blankets helps.”
Paralleling Ozeni, behavior analyst Keely Gallagher emphasizes the accommodations the high school has to offer.
“There is wheelchair accessible classrooms, the elevators, a fun bike that students with limited mobility can use, the adapted PE program and partners program,” Gallagher said.
Salford Hills’ occupational therapist Reagan Diamond believes in three additional senses to the five senses that many of us know.
These three extra senses, “proprioception, vestibular and interoception,” are regulated using sensory tools.
Special ed accommodations foster equality
Encouraging equal education opportunities in their schools, Souderton Area School District faculty and staff work together to provide accommodations for special education students.
Resetting and reregulating…Enjoying the ball pit in Salford Hills Elementary School’s sensory room, a Salford Hills second-grade student spends time balancing his emotions and senses. More sensory areas will be coming to Souderton schools when the space becomes available.
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About the Contributor

Kami Ziegler, Opinion Editor