With its introduction in 2018, Unified Bowling continues to bring together all kinds of athletes to enjoy a bowling match.
Unified administrator Patricia Gallagher has made it a goal for each one of her students to make new friends.
“The focus is the partners interacting with the kids,” Gallagher said. “That’s the whole thing, their partners interact with them and get to know each other better.”
Gallagher in her first year as administrator has continued to get support in her program.
According to athletic director Dennis Stanton, the work Gallagher has put in has been “unbelievable and amazing.”
“She’s doing such a good job that she’s doing things that I don’t even know are happening,” Stanton said. “That’s the sign of a great leader, someone who doesn’t do it for the recognition.”
Unified Bowling provides fall athletes an opportunity to come out after their season is over and help with the program.
For sophomore Ryan Martinson, the purpose of helping out isn’t just to get better at the sport, but to be inclusive.
“We get to help people with different disabilities and give them a chance to bond with us,” Martinson said. “I think it’s a great way to include everyone in the school.”
With the support received this year, Gallagher hopes that she can have good longevity in the program and is excited for what the future holds for the program.
“I hope I can keep doing this for a while,” Gallagher said. “My main reason for staying is to see the growth of the special education and regular ed students.”
One of the biggest aspects of Unified Bowling is getting everyone at the same level, not just skill but more of time.
When the fall athletic season is done for students, they have a chance to attend these bowling meetings.
According to Stanton, even if a student is not on a team at the high school, helping out with the Unified program gives them the sense of being a part of a team.
“It’s a great opportunity for our students to have that experience of being on a team,” Stanton said. “We’re always looking for more students to get involved with our program.”
For sophomore Luke Martinson, he also sees the benefits of being a part of the Unified program.
“It helps get me out of the house and help out in our community,” Martinson said. “Even just for me, it gives me something to do while also making an impact at our school.”
Stanton believes that bowling helps build a great culture.
“It helps provide a space for students to get together and build the culture of the program,” Stanton said.
Unified Bowling encourages student participation
Since 2018, Unified Bowling has aimed to bring kids together during their season. Unified Bowling meets every Wednesday in October during the fall athletic season.
Striking together…Getting ready to knock down some pins, STARR member Sean Camacho and senior Jackie Fretz release their bowling balls. Unified Bowling met every Wednesday in October at Earl Bowl Lanes, finishing their meetings on October 24.
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About the Contributor

Luka Camacho, Staff Writer