By aiming to form relationships with both students and staff, Indian Valley Middle School (IVMS) Principal Josh Klimovich tries to create a positive school environment.
For Klimovich, one of the most essential parts of starting as the new building principal is forming relationships with staff and students.
“I think relationships are the most important part,” Klimovich said.
Klimovich feels that if he forms relationships with other students and staff, the school’s environment will become more positive.
“I want to develop positive relationships with staff, students, and parents,” Klimovich said. “From there, that makes a big difference when you walk into a building, and it feels comfortable and positive.”
Eighth-grade science teacher Stephen Nogami agrees with this statement.
Nogami feels that to collaborate appropriately, it is important to “create an environment where you feel comfortable collaborating.”
Klimovich’s leadership style reflects his desire to form positive relationships.
According to Klimovich, he is more of a “collaborative” leader and “enjoys working with others.”
According to eighth-grade math teacher Andrew Johnson, Klimovich “wants to know what the teachers think” and uses that and his judgment to make smart decisions.
Johnson also said there is a “collegiality” level where Klimovich encourages teachers to communicate and share their thoughts.
Eighth-grade English teacher Meagan Bartelstone feels Klimovich is always interacting with people in the halls, even as simple as saying “hello” and checking in on their days.
“He does an outstanding job listening to staff and helping to solve problems and working with everyone,” Bartelstone said.
According to Nogami, “the first person outside is Mr. Klimovich” when he comes into school each day.
Seventh grader Israel Therency makes a similar point and feels Klimovich is “interactive when it comes to the people around the school.”
For Bartelstone, she feels Klimovich has instituted an open-door policy, and “teachers know we can go and talk with him at any time.”
Some students agree with this and feel that if they have a problem, they can go to him for help.
“I think he is pretty easy to talk to because he’s very talkative to others,” Therency said.
Many feel it is vital to have a positive relationship with the principal.
According to Bartelstone, “The staff needs someone to bounce ideas off of and to have as a support in a job that has a lot of moving parts.”
Johnson feels Klimovich acts like a friend toward him, allowing for more open communication.
“He works to be a friend of teachers, as well,” Johnson said.
According to Johnson, this mentality from Klimovich reassures him that his opinions and concerns will be listened to and received.
“That willingness allows me as a teacher to know that if something goes wrong in the school,” Johnson said, “he’s going to be able to listen to me if I bring that request to him.”
Klimovich wants to form more relationships with the building’s students by having one-on-one conversations with each one to get to know them and their personalities.
“The next thing [I need to do is] meet more of the students now [that] they are back in school,” Klimovich said.
For many, Indian Valley’s new administration, with Klimovich taking over as principal, is exciting.
“I think it’s going to be a good year with him around,” Therency said.
Klimovich adjusts to principal position at IVMS
To form a positive school environment for students and staff, IVMS Principal JoshKlimovich is aiming to form strong relationships with his staff and students. Klimovich took over as IVMS principal at the beginning of the 2024-2025 year.
Watching a win… Supporting the Indian Valley Middle School (IVMS) field hockey team during a recent game, (from left) school police officer Zach Bubnis, sixth grade math/science teacher Courtney Lepping, IVMS principal John Klimovich, and seventh grade science teacher Suzanne Thomas spectate.
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About the Contributor
Aimal Ahmad, Staff Writer