Book club offers space for discussion, relaxation
In order to have time to sit, read, chat and make memories, students meet once a month after school to share their love of books.
Discussing the story…Conversing during a meeting, seniors Audrey Harman (left) and Grace Lettero talk about their opinions on the book they read for April 28 meeting.
By meeting to discuss literature and relax in a group setting, the book club offers a time for students to learn about different books and talk about their interpretations.
According to book club advisor Kim Wilson, the book club has been a relaxing and chill environment leading them to have some eye-opening conversations.
“As an adult, I wouldn’t necessarily read some of the things that are selected but it is really a great insight to what people that I’m teaching are reading,” Wilson said.
Senior Grace Lettero also thinks that the book club brings more opinions into the conversation when one reads in a group.
“It’s just a lot more opinions on the book than just your own and I think that can deepen your understanding a little more,” Lettero said.
Senior Nora Richardson points out that students get to see different perspectives when in a group. “It’s interesting to hear other perspectives,” Richardson said. “Somebody will contribute something to the conversation then I would think, ‘Huh, I never even thought about it that way.’”
Senior Lauren McClure says that she sometimes puts more effort into reading books for the book club than other school assignments because of the meaningful conversations that occur during club meetings.
“It was a good conversation because people had a lot of different things,” McClure said. “I kind of take note of certain areas that I normally wouldn’t if I was just reading it by myself.”
Along with taking notes to bring into a discussion, Wilson mentioned that perspective is important.
“To get to understand why people are the way they are when you have those conversations, it really helps,” Wilson said. “You get to know people in a way you wouldn’t otherwise.”
According to Richardson, students can have a lot of different interpretations that come out of a discussion. “I feel like it’s definitely good to be part of a group after you read a book because you get to see different perspectives,” Richardson said.
According to McClure, the book club creates a “familiarity” between members.
“[Book club] is something we can all have in common,” McClure said.
Lettero mentions how everyone is just happy they get to talk to someone about books.
“I think everyone just is more comfortable with each other and it is like I can speak freely,” Lettero said.
According to Richardson, she appreciates how the members can talk about the common books that they have read.
“I’d say we’re all supportive of each other,” Richardson said.
The book club is known for being a chill and respectful group.
“We have snacks every time we meet and we just have a lot of discussions,” Lettero said. “There’s not a lot of requirements to do it, and there’s not a lot of pressure.”
Members of the book club don’t even need to have finished the book to still participate in the conversation, unlike the stressors of deadlines in their everyday classes.
“I didn’t feel like I needed to lie and stress trying to finish it,” Richardson said.