Boys volleyball ‘set’ for upcoming season
With the 2023 season creeping up, the boy’s volleyball team is in full preparation to have a successful season.
Jumping into the season…Preparing for the 2023 season, senior Ethan Fraterelli leaps into the air to hit the ball during practice. The team played its first game on March 21.
In hopes of achieving a successful season, boys volleyball has been preparing by hosting open gym practices after school from 7-9 p.m. and dedicating their time to becoming better players.
The boys team, coached by Matthew Musselman, is ready for the new volleyball season due to consistent practice. The gym time opened to freshmen through seniors has provided players a space to prepare for tryouts by practicing their skills.
Whether an athlete a returning or new player, the open gym time is very important for players to take advantage of, according to Musselman.
“It’s important for the returning guys to get touches and get back into the flow of the game, and it’s even more important for the new players to learn some basics before heading into tryouts,” Musselman said.
In addition, it was a good opportunity for Musselman to bond with the boys since he is a new coach.
Sophomore Derek Stefanowicz said that during practices, the team has been working on passing and serving. “We struggled to pass last year, “ Stefanowicz said.
“Hopefully [practice] will benefit us this year so we can set up for better hits.”
Along with group work, the practice time has allowed players to work on improving individually.
With so much off time since the last season, Musselman said, it is important for returning players to “brush up” on their skills.
Junior Ben McMackin said he feels like he’s personally spent a lot of time practicing skills to better himself in the gym this year.
“For me I would say hitting lines, and being able to learn how to hit the correct way and learn the approach,” McMackin said.
Aside from open gyms, the team has participated in games over the summer.
“We had a summer league, too, but once it got closer to the season, we have had more open gyms and practices,” said McMackin.
While Stefanowicz thinks there are multiple aspects involved to excel in a sport, his team specifically succeeds at communication.