Bowlers find enjoyment, success in leagues
Through formulating friendships, bowling league members find fun and opportunity while gathering together on a weekly basis to bowl. Many have learned various lessons throughout their bowling career.
Striking out…Presenting her plaque, sophomore Elizabeth Hercek celebrates her accomplishment. After competing in the Junior Masters tournament, Hercek placed second.
Passion and motivation have guided bowlers to success in the sport over the course of many years and has contributed to building connections with their leagues on the days that they meet.
Senior Brendan Hunsicker believes that bowling is a sport that many do not recognize.
“It’s a really fun sport that a lot of people don’t know about,” Hunsicker said. Hunsicker first started bowling when he was four years old. His proudest achievement was successfully participating in a masters tournament.
“It was a masters tournament that I won a $1,500 scholarship for,” Hunsicker said.
Hunsicker finds motivation from his success.
“When you have those perfect shots, hit the pins exactly where you wanted to, and it just has a perfect sounding strike, it [pushes] you to keep going and keep practicing so you can do it more,” Hunsicker said.
For bowling league member Matt Hercek, who has been bowling for 33 years now, the key to success and improvement is setting goals.
He advises that it is best to “set steps” to reach in order to get better. Matt’s daughter, sophomore Elizabeth Hercek, appreciates the constant support she finds in bowling.
“I like that even if you mess up or something, you’re still supported by the people you’re bowling with. You get to have a real connection with them,” Elizabeth said.
Bowling league member Steve Urban, who has been bowling for 57 years, thinks that league nights teach about “camaraderie with friends.”
“You have to be supportive of your fellow bowlers,” Urban said.
In bowling, there are adult leagues, men’s leagues, women’s leagues, kids’ leagues and more. There are all different levels of bowlers in leagues. Some leagues are handicapped and some are scratch.
According to Hunsicker, handicapped leagues “level the playing field.”
In handicapped leagues, if there is a team that has low averages they will get points to try and even it out. House leagues are also handicapped leagues because bowlers do not bowl head-to-head.
Instead, points are only given for totals.
According to Hercek, in scratch leagues, people bowl head to head, going against the person across from them as they try to
gain team points. This is a more competitive league.
Each type of league is different.
“They all kind of work differently and it depends on what’s best for you,” Hunsicker said.
There are also travel leagues.
Elizabeth is on both the Lehigh Valley Junior Travel League and a separate junior Saturday morning league.
“In travel, there’s an average minimum of 150, you bowl head to head with the person with the lowest average, and then middle and highest,” Elizabeth said. “You get points for beating both the person you’re bowling with and then team points for winning totals.”
To improve in bowling it is important to seek help from others.
“Always look for help,” Urban said. “Ask people around you if you’re struggling with something. The people that are bowling with you will help you, even if you’re an opponent of them.”
In bowling, it is also essential to take notes from others.
“You need to take into account everyone’s opinions. Sometimes that might not be the style that works for you, which is okay, but at least think about it,” Elizabeth said.