Boy Scouts give back to community throughout holiday season
By hosting service projects and a food pantry collection called “Scouting For Food”, the local Boy Scout Troop 178 gives back to their community.

To help restore the look of the community and to give back to members of the community, the Boy Scouts are conducting service projects and food pantry collection.
Scoutmaster Mike Ambrusch said the scouts are giving back to the community that has given to them.
“For my project, I renovated four kiosks in local parks around Lower Salford,” Boy Scout Connor Bache said. “This project benefits everyone who uses the local parks because it makes the park and the community look better in general. Personally, I have around 50 hours invested in the project and 100 overall including the work everyone else did.”
Bache said that the challenges of this project included overcoming major obstacles like learning how to put shingles up and having to do a lot of paperwork.
“I did this project because it’s always nice to make something and to give back to the community,” Bache said.
Giving back to the community isn’t the only reason these service projects are being completed. Completing the service project is the last step in a scout career called the Eagle Scout rank. According to the Boy Scouts of America web site, in 2019 only 8% percent of all scouts earned the Eagle Rank. It takes most Scouts years to complete the requirements necessary to achieve the rank of Eagle..
“Obtaining the final rank is very challenging to most boys,” said Ambrusch. “There are lots of requirements that take years of work to complete. It’s not something you can do in a month.”
Boy Scout Evan Garbacz said that, for his project, he added nine holes to the Lower Salford disc golf course.
“The original course had very small tee boxes, and some of the holes were getting stale. The township donated nine additional holes a decade ago [and] they waited for someone to do it for an Eagle Scout Project,” Garbacz said.
According to Garbacz, the updated disc golf course will positively impact anyone who enjoys playing disc golf. Garbacz said that this project will get him his Eagle rank, which will help him in the future to apply to jobs and to college.
Garbacz said that the biggest challenge of his project was that it was very time consuming.
“I started working on this project on October 2 and it took me pretty much all of October,” said Garbacz.
Garbacz said that he spent a total of 113 hours working on his project, including hours of the people who helped him.