While the U.S.’ high schools are what students from Souderton are used to, high schools (or as some countries would call it, colleges) around the world have much different experiences in their home countries.
Shalom College, year 11 student, from Australia, Bailey Ward, says that they have to wear a mandatory dress for school and that they “don’t have big lockers” like Souderton does. Ward’s school is mostly outside so they “don’t have halls” either.
Ward’s only exposure to schools in the U.S. are from films.
“America is kinda football based or sports based from the movies we watched,” Ward said. “American schools have groups like the “sport group” or the “nerd groups.”
Otumoetai College, year 11 student, from New Zealand, Lucy Thommpson also says that her exposure to high schools form the U.S. is from films and TV shows.
“ I feel like American schools are the only ones I really hear stereotypes about most likely because they are most commonly portrayed in films, etc. You hear about jokes, the football team, cheerleaders, stuff like that. Then the three tall, pretty girls in every movie, the mean lunch ladies, those sorts of things,” Thompson said.
Thompson also admitted that she doesn’t actually know much about schooling from the U.S. outside of the stereotypes.
“But there are lots of little differences like… our schools are mainly outside, everything that isn’t a classroom, office, etc is outside. We don’t have lockers either, we carry everything in backpacks. Oh, and football games, not a thing,” Thompson said.
Year 12 student, Sarah Araide from Comprehensive School “B” in Maghar, Israel says that there are many differences between schools in the U.S. and Israel.
“It’s different by the teaching methods , the classes we take, [and] the activities we do,” Ariade said.
Junior, Eduardo Lai, before going to school at Souderton he went to Taipei American School (TAS) in Taiwan. Much like the previous statements, Lai believes that schooling in the U.S. is much different than where he used to go.
“Souderton is a lot smaller than my other school. TAS was from k-12 cause it was a private school and you could see people from all ages walking the halls,” Lai said.
He does believe that TAS was a better school overall, but also stated that there is nothing wrong with Souderton.
“I think TAS was better but mainly because it was a private school, the public schools in Taipei probably weren’t the best because it was a city. TAS also had more people which just means more friends which is great,” Lai said.
Junior, Melissa Ryder, who has never gone to any other schools outside of the Souderton Area School District, believes that Souderton does a better job than some other countries.
“[Souderton has] a really good area with good people which makes our school different from other districts. I don’t think other countries have such a good support system or have teachers as dedicated to the students as Souderton does,” Ryder said.
When it comes to college after high school, Ryder said that she thinks Souderton prepares students “pretty well.”
Lai said, “Souderton does an alright job preparing for college, [but] I can’t speak for the majority of people because I’m in the gifted program and we get special treatment.” He believes that the school could be better students a little better, but it isn’t necessarily bad.
Ward says that her school greatly prepares students for college.
“They strongly prepare us as they provide a vast majority of opportunities for the future,” Ward said.
According to Thompson, she does not plan on attending college.
“I don’t think it will be right for me and what I want to do. However, if I do end up going I’ll go somewhere in Germany,” Thompson said.
Araide does plan on going to college.
“I think college is the perfect place to focus on what really interests you,” Araide said. Although she believes the schools don’t prepare students for the real world or issues.
“In school we don’t learn about solving real life problems, like the ones we’re facing in college,” Araide said.
Araide also believes that comparing and contrasting schools around the world and all other methods could help countries decide on what’s best for students.
“[The] education system needs to hear what we have to say, as students. In the end they’re working to secure that we have a better future,” Araide said.
According to Lai, mixing ideologies from schools all over the world is a good idea.
“I would make it more fun and interesting. Our high school is very bland and I think it shouldn’t. Maybe it’s too late because the building has already been made and there’s no budget for it but expand the building, have separate buildings, give us freedom to act like we will when we’re adults. I guess I’m describing college,” Lai said.
High school around the world is “All right, all right, all right”
As students from across the pond go to high school, or as they would call it, college, they are exposed to unique experiences based on their geographical location. Many students from overseas are exposed to high school from the U.S. through movies and television.
Snapping away down under…Year 11 student, Bailey Ward (left) and her friends (left to right) Claire Fava, Frances Corpe, and Jayne Wake, take mirror pictures while they participate in a color run to raise charity. Right now, students in Australia just ended their 12 week holiday vacation and went back on Thursday, January 28.
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About the Contributor

Jackson Self, Entertainment Editor