To pass time and hold themselves accountable, Souderton students have created fitness related Instagram accounts during quarantine. These accounts feature the routines and athletic efforts of the people who run them.
Account owner Abby Tuttle, started her account, @abbytuttle_fit in October of 2020. She said that she had been wanting to make a fitness account for a while, and that her sister had encouraged her to do so.
Tuttle typically posts pictures and videos of her workout routines. These workouts are varied, and can be anything from lifting weights to running.
Tuttle said that her account has helped her push herself both physically and mentally, “It’s also a great way for me to see my progress,” Tuttle said.
Another account owner Maggie Fisher, started her account, @eatzsleepfit in December of 2020.
“I decided to make an account to motivate myself to stick to my goals,” Fisher said. Fisher also said she made the account to inspire other people, and have fun.
Like Tuttle, Fisher said that the account has encouraged her to push herself and work harder when she works out. She also believes that the account has brought her support.
“The support I’ve gotten has definitely helped me mentally,” Fisher said.
Senior Ruchi Hegde started her account, in December of 2020. Hegde started her account to vent out the negative emotions that she experienced after finding out her swimming season may have been cancelled. Hegde decided to “fuel that energy in a positive way” and opened the account after some encouragement from a friend of hers.
Hegde’s posts usually consist of the workout regime she follows that day, the calories she
burned, and some tips and tricks for people who are interested in starting to work out.
Cassie Rodrique has been running her account since mid-summer. Her account, @crushingitwithcassie, went live in July of 2020, and she posts daily workouts. In addition to her workout routine, Rodrique also posts the food she makes on her story.
Rodrique says the account has helped her by keeping her consistent with her physical activity.
“It also has made me make so many new connections with people from all around the world, which is so cool,” Rodrique said.
The people running the fitness accounts often find themselves trying to motivate each other and lift each other up.
Tuttle said her goal for the account she runs is to teach other people what she knows about fitness.
“I’ve also had people reach out to me and they have asked for help with programming workouts. This makes me really happy because I feel like I am helping them,” Tuttle said.
Hegde encourages her followers to try out some of her workouts and modify them to their needs. She tries to post more general information about her workouts.
“I also think exercise depends on the person,” Hegde said.
Physical education teacher Lauren Whitesidethinks the accounts are a good idea to keep students motivated and encourage them to keep up their healthy lifestyle.
“I think fitness should be in the forefront of people’s minds, fitness and health,” Whiteside said. “I think it’s important for people to always be thinking about bettering themselves physically.”
Instagram fitness springs up during COVID-19
Due to COVID-19, many with active lifestyles have been kept inside. As a result, people have begun turning to Instagram over quarantine to mark their progress and present their fitness routines.
Warmed up and ready to go… after launching her account in October of 2020, Abby Tuttle posts an energetic picture as an introduction to her followers. The account, @abbytuttle_fit, hosts Tuttle’s workouts and fitness endeavors. Photo courtesy of Emily Tuttle.
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About the Contributor

Melissa Brown, Design Editor